Experience the sun rising from a campsite in the African bushveld. Journey into the bush to experience nature in the raw as you build confidence and empower your spirit to overcome yourself and to achieve everything that your mind and heart desires.
Explore the raw African bushveld at dawn and experience the etherial beauty of time as it unfolds naturally through your guided walk through this rough and unknown terrain, surrounded by wild animals and filled with uncertainty. This is the journey of a lifetime .... the most important excursion imaginable ....the journey to self, in love and acceptance as you conquer your fear of failure or success and face yourself with COURAGE, CONFIDENCE and a newly-found sense of EMPOWERMENT. We invite your Guardian Angels, God/Divine, Archangels and your spirit guides to be with you as you connect mind, body and spirit in seeking your Divine strength and confidence to achieve greatness, as this serves your Highest good and all of humanity.
You will leave this meditation feeling more energized, happier, healthier, more confident, balanced and positive than ever before....at one with the universe and with all beings, in peace and love. Feel inspired to share of yourself with all of humanity, in love as you open to your own expansiveness. Learn to see yourself as more positive and successful in every area of your life, and in turn, choose to be an inspiration in the lives of others as we work together to heal our planet, one breath and one soul at a time.
Karen Noonan's English/South African accent and her extensive background in healing, energy work and as a yoga and meditation teacher/teacher-trainer, work together to create the perfect environment for healing of body, mind and spirit.
'I am blessed. May I be always a blessing.' In gratitude and humility, Namaste
- Karen
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