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Be ready for a wondrous adventure as you journey from a meadow to a mountain top. Time is linear and heavenly intervention is powerful. Feel the benefits of this powerful meditation as you experience this magical journey unfolding. This meditation is a great ‘pick-me-up’ and will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed - younger and more vital than you have felt in years; happier, healthier and younger than before, as your cells receive the powerful instruction to move back in time - to make you feel and look younger and more radiant than you have in years.


Learn to enjoy life like a child - carefree, joyful, fear-free, open, playful. Simplicity! As you journey within to unlock the power of your mind, enjoy snow-capped mountains, magical beauty and feel the results of letting go of all worries, fears and concerns as you learn to simply ‘BE.’ Feel the effects on your body, mind and heart as your cells are instructed to heal and strengthen … feel your body strengthening as a result of the individual cells of your body regenerating to become more youthful than ever. You will leave this meditation the butterfly, emerge more beautiful than ever before….. refreshed and renewed; filled with faith, confidence, strength, clarity, love and gratitude - for your beautiful, youthful body, mind and spirit; for this moment in time; for that which is and feeling Divinely blessed with youth and vitality.


Karen Noonan's English/South African accent and her extensive background in healing, energy work and as a yoga and meditation teacher, work together to create the perfect environment for healing of body, mind and spirit. 




Fountain of Youth Meditation with Karen Noonan, Ph.D.

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