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In 'Ocean Meditation' you will experience the beauty of a mountainside walk overlooking the crystal -clear, turquoise-blue water of the Mediterranean Sea. Time slows down as you experience the beauty of an exotic beach and allow the water to cleanse, purify and renew your soul. Increase your capacity to live more consciously....more mindfully, as you embrace peace, calm and clarity. Create an intention to be more open to embracing a life filled with more love, light, joy, prosperity and positivity. 


Allow the ocean air to cleanse your mind of any negative thoughts as you relax deeply and release all fears, worries and concerns, to find greater clarity, peace and calm. Be open to truly embrace this beautiful life and your true self, in love.


Gentle, soothing and soul-stirring background music with guided meditations to take you on a journey to self, in love. Karen Noonan's English/South African accent and her extensive background in healing, energy work and as a yoga and meditation teacher, work together to create the perfect environment for healing of body, mind and spirit. 

Ocean Meditation for Calm and Clarity, with Karen Noonan, Ph.D.

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